The Reverse Vasectomy
Life changes pretty quickly and as best as we try and plan for what we think makes the most sense for the future, sometimes the circumstances change and we have to shift the plan. Many men have made the decision for themselves and their family to get a vasectomy, a procedure that blocks sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. This surgery is a form of male birth control that is extremely popular. There are about 500,000 men every year who choose to get a vasectomy. While most experiences are exceedingly positive, there are some reasons men choose to undo or reverse this procedure. Maybe a change of heart with family planning, a new spouse, or a new mindset leads about 10% of men to decide to undo the vasectomy.
What Happens During a Reverse Vasectomy
A reverse vasectomy is a safe and quick procedure that helps many men who have decided to change their minds about getting a vasectomy. A reverse vasectomy is an outpatient procedure that is typically done with local or general anesthesia. The surgeon uses advanced technology that means very small incisions and a quick recover time. During the procedure, the surgeon will go through and undo the actions of the vasectomy. By reconnecting the tubes (vas deferens) that transports the sperm from the testicle, around 97% of men will achieve sperm in their semen. The rate of success can be affected by how much time has passed between the vasectomy and the reverse vasectomy.
Recovery of a Reverse Vasectomy
Many men who have had a reverse vasectomy have been pleasantly surprised about how easy recovery is. Because the procedure if performed with general or local anesthesia, most men will walk out on their own power Expect some soreness for the next few days and to apply ice. Athletic support is also advised for several weeks at all times unless bathin, especially during physical activities. Your return to work will vary person to person and also by the nature of the type of work you do whether you are active throughout the work day or getting more rest at a desk job. It is also important to avoid sexual intercourse or ejaculation for about two to three weeks at your doctor’s discretion.
Arizona State Urology Reverse Vasectomy
Many men after having a vasectomy have a change of heart. Perhaps a new partner, a change of scenery, or any number of new circumstances could lead to a man deciding he would like to reverse the decision he had made earlier. The medical team at Asurology is incredibly skilled utilizing advanced technology to offer unparalleled levels of care and support for our patients. Our comprehensive coverage means you are taken care of from the start of consultation, through the procedure, and all the way through recovery until we know you are back to health. It is a tremendous privilege to be able to help men and women with their urological health throughout the state of Arizona. Our 3 locations is our Urology office in Glendale, Urology office in Phoenix, and our Urology office in Scottsdale. If you are considering a reverse vasectomy, give the Asurology team a call at 602-337-8500 and we will be happy to discuss with you.